
How to get things done on time without panic

As you know we all have same hours per day to get things done. But some people do so much in these hours while others fail to do simple tasks on their hands. It’s all game of how one manages their time smartly. If we try to get things done without managing our time blocks, we fail to get track of our chores and end up in panic especially when the deadline is near. By mindfully managing your time you can achieve so much without getting overwhelmed. 

Here are some most effective techniques that gives most productive outcomes from our given hours on daily basis.

•      Evaluate your current behavior

•      Wake up early

•      Visualize your To Dos

•      Prioritize your tasks

•      Make time blocks and assign them tasks

•      Assign special time to worry

•      Assign special time to do nothing

•      Fully focused tasks and Avoid multi-tasking

Let’s dig a little deeper on how to follow these steps to get the complete productive and hence a stress-free day.

•     Evaluate your current behavior

First step to manage your time is to focus your ongoing behavior. How are you spending your time, what are your main tasks of the day, how much time is needed for each task to complete and so on. This will give you an insight on your productive hours and also the time you are not using efficiently on daily basis.

Most importantly you must know your screen time. Our screen time is not all bad but most of it is. Find out what are your productive apps or other software and how much you are consuming all that unnecessary stuff. After that information you can easily manage your time.

•     Wake up early

 Waking up early do wonders. It gives an extra boost to your daily routine. An hour or so early than your normal wake up time gives you time to reflect on your upcoming day. A kick start with less minimum distraction freshen you up and you can prepare with calm and peaceful mind.   

•     Visualize your To Dos

Take time, imagine or visualize all the tasks that are due on upcoming day. Make a list on paper or an app. Get all your tasks at one place either its work related or simple house chores. It will help you store that information in your mind and your mind going to remind you later.

•     Prioritize your tasks

As you know, your To dos are not of the same importance. Some need to be done urgently and some can take some time. Some need more focus and attention and some we just do as a habit. So, you should prioritize your tasks according to their importance and time needed. Most important on top of the list. When you complete your most important job you already feel so light and motivated for the remaining day.

•     Make time blocks and assign them tasks

Now you know the list of your jobs and what to do first. Make blocks of time accordingly and assign jobs to these blocks. Always give a bit of time before and after for any distraction. In this way your mind gets all prepped up for all the task at these specified times.

•     Assign special time to worry

We spend a handsome amount of time on reflecting on our past or forecasting about our future. It can take a lot of our productivity away by distracting us into the whirlpool of daydreaming. It’s not totally a waste of time but sometime necessary for our healthy growth. But if we assign a specific time in our day to this, it will leave a notable chunk of our time. We can focus so much more on other things. Whenever a thought comes to you just remind yourself to wait for that time. This technique helps to free your mind and you will be able to do so much more.

•     Assign special time to do nothing

Relaxation and me time are as important as your top priority jobs. And it is needed on daily basis. No me time is equals to more stressed mind and tensed body. So whatever technique you use to relax your mind, do make a time in your schedule to do it regularly. When you are relaxed and calm it surely going to increase your productivity on so many levels.  

•     Full focused tasks and Avoid multi-tasking

Last but not the least, whatever you are doing give your full attention to it. Avoid doing multiple jobs at same time block, just do that specific task that is given to that time block by you. Full focus on one job will be completed early and with minimum mistakes.  

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