Mental health

How to calm your mind instantly

There comes a time when we are in the middle of something physically but it goes so wrong, without any physical cause. These mistakes are usually a result of tensed and fully occupied mind. Like, when you are cooking a simple meal and you are so absent in reality that you end up messing with… Continue reading How to calm your mind instantly


How to get things done on time without panic

As you know we all have same hours per day to get things done. But some people do so much in these hours while others fail to do simple tasks on their hands. It’s all game of how one manages their time smartly. If we try to get things done without managing our time blocks,… Continue reading How to get things done on time without panic

Beauty and Skincare

Complete and Simplified Skincare Routine (All at one place)

Whatever your age or lifestyle, there is always a need of skincare routine. Skin is the largest organ of our body and its exposed to harsh external environment. Constant exposure of toxic particles and secretions of body effect our skin in different ways. If not maintained on regular basis it can cause long term damages.… Continue reading Complete and Simplified Skincare Routine (All at one place)