Beauty and Skincare

Complete and Simplified Skincare Routine (All at one place)

Whatever your age or lifestyle, there is always a need of skincare routine. Skin is the largest organ of our body and its exposed to harsh external environment. Constant exposure of toxic particles and secretions of body effect our skin in different ways. If not maintained on regular basis it can cause long term damages. But remember some skin problems occur due to internal causes that need medical attention.

There are lot of skincare routines out there but I find them very lengthy and it requires a whole amount of time. That’s why I experimented and conclude what steps are the most effective. So, grab your cozy cup of tea and focus right in. Here is the compact form of steps on daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Morning RoutineNight time Routine  
TonerEye Cream
Weekly RoutineMonthly Routine  
ExfoliateFacial of your choice
MaskManicure and Pedicure

Now, let’s talk about each step so you do the right step with right manner.

  • Cleanser

Cleansing remove all the dirt and oils from surface. It should be done with very gentle product. Moist your face first. Put a drop of cleanser on palm of your hand add little water and mix it till it become foamy. Then apply it on face and gently massage your face. A gentle soap can also be used if you don’t have a liquid cleanser.

  • Toner

Toner is a must have for all skin type. It removes all the unwanted and harmful things from inside of pores. It also helps to shrink the size of pores which doesn’t allow any more harm. There are many toners out in market that are too strong and pretty harsh on skin. So, buy one with good quality. Although it may cost you bit but its all worth it when compares to its benefits.

To use toner, apply some drops on cotton or dry wipe and rub it on skin but not too strongly. Clean all parts of face gently, under eye area is very sensitive so be careful there.

  • Serum

Serum is like nutrition to skin that gives boost to cells which effect it in a very healthy way, like any supplement do. There are may serums out there and contains different ingredients. All you have to do is search for ones that goes with your skin type and issues, if any.

Like for acne, serum with hyaluronic acid works wonders. For aging skin and to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, serum with retinol are the best.

To use it right way just put few drops of serum on face evenly and dab on it lightly. Give at least 5 minutes to absorb it perfectly.

  • Eye cream

Skin around our eyes is very sensitive. It needs extra care, so eye cream is perfect for reducing puffiness, redness, aging signs and of course dark circles. It doesn’t clean the fine lines and wrinkles though but surely slows the process to get more.

Apply it on all area around the eyes and dab it gently and slowly.

  • Moisturize

As you all know, water is life. Its so important for every bodily function and its same for skin too. A dehydrated skin cause so much problems and awful look on face. Moisturizer balance the moist level of skin make it hydrated and plump. It is a key step to younger looking skin.

Apply it and gently massage on your face. It will increase the blood flow and hydrate at the same time. There are also some options for different skin types. Oily skin needs moisturizers that are oil free and non-greasy which absorbs quickly. While, dry skin needs moisturizers with essential oils in it.

  •  Exfoliate

Exfoliation is beneficial but need to be done only few times because little particles in it can damage your skin. It cleanses the skin deeply by opening pores wide. That’s why mask must be used after that. So instead of daily use, exfoliate weekly. It gives a very clean skin and a certain glow.

Moist your face first and then apply exfoliate cream and rub it gently for at least 2 minutes. As you feel it getting dry moist your face again.

  • Mask

Mask help the pores to shrink in its size. Small pores are big yes to healthy skin and so helpful to prevent breakouts. There are many varieties of mask in market. But as I say earlier choose as your skin wants.

Cleanse before applying mask, then spread mask all over the face except eye area. Let it dry for 5 to 10 minutes and wash it off.

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