Mental health

How to calm your mind instantly

There comes a time when we are in the middle of something physically but it goes so wrong, without any physical cause. These mistakes are usually a result of tensed and fully occupied mind. Like, when you are cooking a simple meal and you are so absent in reality that you end up messing with the ingredients and it leads to an awful meal ultimately a messed-up evening. Or you get angry at your friend although she didn’t do anything that bad.

These scenarios are usually due to thoughts that are stuck in your mind, which need to be addressed. So carefully read the following steps, because here are the top proven ways that can help you unwind your thoughts instantly without any hassle.


  • Focus on how you feel

First and most important step is to leave everything for a minute and just focus on how you are feeling at that moment. Define that feeling like I am feeling worried, I am feeling angry, I am feeling tired etc. Recognizing your core feeling will give you insight of that specific thought which you were ignoring all along. You maybe blaming your misery to other things instead.

  •  Recognize the cause

When you focus on your thoughts and define what you are feelings, it’s easy to dig deep into it. Next step is to recognize what is that specific problem causing those thoughts and ultimately all the related emotions. There are always one or more thoughts that are stuck in your mind and bother you constantly if not solved.

  •  Find the solution

Now you know exactly what are you feeling and cause of those too. Next step is to consider if your dear friend is telling you that problem, what will you say to comfort her. Exactly tell yourself that I have to solve that issue like that. Don’t struggle with emotional tornado in your mind instead calm down that storm, by figuring out the solution you will feel so light and balanced. Like if you are feeling frustrated by huge pile of work at office than manage and plan your time. It will free your mind and help you control your whacky feelings.  

  • Focus on your breathing

 Now get all your focus in reality and put it on one thing, your breathing. Take deep breaths enough to fill your stomach and wait a bit and then exhale all out slowly. Focus on the rhythm and process itself. It is usually hard at start and those thoughts might come back but remember to come back in reality and refocus. Only 5-minute break like this will surely give you instant relief and relaxation.

  • Smile with full stretch

Even if you are not feeling that way, just smile for a moment. Although it’s a fake smile but our brain gets the signal which releases happy hormones. Go ahead and try it, you will be surprised. That will give you a boost to be positive and think clearly.

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